Hi Rich, Thanks again for making our first cube delivery so easy. You are the bomb!
"It is better to be alone than in bad company".
George Washington
If you have pictures or other success stories of Junior Competitors at the Mid State Fair or any other Junior event, please send them
on to us so that we can congratulate them on this website
Hay cubes are the best source of roughage for your horses
Where to Find Us:
We are at 3500, #7 Dry Creek Road next to the Paso Robles Airport but be sure to call before you come.
Call Don:
Phone: 805 459-0399
Teff Grass Cubes
We have Teff Grass and Alfalfa Combination Hay Cubes in stock.
Yes they are 35% Teff Grass and 65% Alfalfa.
And the good news?
The price is the same as the Oat & Alfalfa and the straight Alfalfa Cubes.
Teff Grass is proving to be an excellent replacement for the more expensive Timothy Hay.
If your horse is having digestive or metabolic problems, Teff Combination Cubes may be a good option for you.
Check out this website and others to find out for yourself.